Big Bad Viper
(Cubed Cinder and EmmaGear)
Approx. pages: 19
- Months after the events of Street Fighter 4, Crimson Viper returns to what's
left of the S.I.N. headquarters, dismantled after the destruction of Seth. While
exploring the ruins for any sort of evidence she can find on the shady events of
that organization, she discovers a small gray box. When activating the box... Viper eventually
finds herself quickly enlarging in size, as she shoots up to a huge 500 feet tall.
Viper decides to have some fun in the nearby city, and in the meantime, Cammy
and Chun-Li get wind of what's happening and try to find a way to stop her...
Completed February 18, 2011.
Chun-Li in Wonderland
(Cubed Cinder; idea by Allogagan)
Approx. pages: 15
- Another VG version of a popular GTS classic. This one has Chun-Li heading home
after a long day at work, but Vega suddenly rushes by her. While being puzzled
that the masked man didn't attack her, Chun-Li begins to give chase after the
villain. She is eventually led into a manhole that transports her to a parallel
world, where the characters are much different than their real-life
counterparts, the worlds are drastically different compared to Chun-Li's
confined corridors at Interpol, and most important of all: Size-changing is one
of the keys to survival. Humor rules all in this crossover between Alice in
Wonderland and the Street Fighter series! Completed December 31, 2003.
Updated February 11, 2020.
Enormous Masters
(Cubed Cinder; idea by mewmew666)
Approx. pages: 7
- It is the distant year of 2018. Despite the cyboplasm incident from 2010,
fighter-turned-scientist Ken Masters hasn't totally given up on the project,
continually refining it until it can become safe for the entire galaxy. One day,
his wife Eliza and 18-year-old niece Amy come by to visit, and the two (not by
choice given how Amy likes to stir up trouble) end up drinking a cyboplasm
variant that contains enlarging particles. The two women literally swell up in
size, gaining far more weight and 'flab' over height. Ken races to come up with
an antidote, because eventually the two women will grow and expand too much for
their atoms to take, causing an atomic explosion that will eventually rip Earth
apart. And it only gets worse if they stand still, so they have to constantly
move around and cause all sorts of mayhem around the city... Completed
September 24, 2018.
Giant Impact
Approx. pages: 24
- Ibuki, Elena, and Makoto are out passing time until Ibuki has to get ready for
a ninja test. She finds a certain mystical artifact that should make the test
easier, but it backfires as these things tend to do.
Completed May 24, 2014.
for Broke!
Approx. pages: 25
- Juri Han gets ahold of a magical little box of stolen technology that has the
amazing power to make people grow. She intends to use the powers of growth to
get rid of a few thorns in her side, including her longtime rival Chun-Li...
Completed March 23, 2013.
GS Tale of
the Desert City: Episode Blue
Approx. pages: 36
- Chun-Li has been to many places around the world as she tries to bring in the
last of Shadaloo's lackies once and for all. But no place has reeked of
strangeness until now when she transfers to Vetrandi City, a city as dark as
its name. Chun-Li ends up running into a trap set up by her arch nemesis, Vega
(known as Bison here; read the story to find out why he is being called Vega).
Just as quickly as she is knocked unconscious, she released to the outside
world, but she finds herself growing in size. Also growing is the desire to
destroy all in her wake, even if one survivor of the city are determined to
change that. Completed May 27, 2005.
Psycho Crushers
(Cubed Cinder)
Approx. pages: 22
- Bison has successfully captured Ryu to use him as a power source for the
Psycho Drive statue, but an anomoly in the psycho power has forced him to change
his plans. Later, Bison decides to transfer the power of the Psycho Drive statue
to three of his most loyal soldiers: Cammy, Juli, and Juni. The power transforms
these three women into 300-foot-tall giantesses, and they are sent to demolish
the world under their feet. With the giantesses causing destruction, the Street
Fighters are gathered by Chun-Li (Bison's worst enemy) to try and
stop the madness. Completed February 1, 2003.
Psycho Puny Power
Approx. pages: 10
- Ed is in Italy, looking for a woman that has ties to the fallen Shadoloo and
Bison. Rose wanted to speak to the man tells her apprentice Menat to bring him
to her, by any means. Must have knowledge of Street Fighter V to understand the
story. Completed November 30, 2018.