Shantae VGGTS Stories

Shantae's Big Dance
(Cubed Cinder; idea by Twilight Prince)
Approx. pages: 11
- This story takes place after Shantae has had all four Magical Relics stolen by the evil Risky Boots, during the first game. Having lost the only things that can help her stop the mad villainess, Shantae walks back to Scuttle Town, depressed after having failed her people. Along the way, she stumbles into a hidden chamber that has a special kind of dance instruction, the same ones that help transform her into different objects. Shantae tries the dance out, and when it's finished, she finds herself growing out of this temple and up to 100 feet tall! Seeing this as an opportunity, Shantae heads out to try and stop Risky Boots and the Tinker Tank once and for all... Completed March 12, 2010.

Opposing Genies
(Cubed Cinder; idea by Twilight Prince)
Approx. pages: 12
- Despite defeating Risky Boots one more time, the villainous pirate girl has one more surprise for Shantae. Using a mysterious lamp stolen earlier, Shantae suddenly has every last bit of her genie power taken away from her. She is stunned to see it reform as an evil version of herself, and even worse is that the evil Shantae knows every dance that Shantae knows... including the dance to make her gigantic. Nega-Shantae does this dance and grows to a giant size. Shantae narrowly escapes with her life, but can only watch as her evil giant self and Risky Boots march off towards Scuttle Town. The genie girl can only wonder what she can do without any powers to stop her... Completed February 1, 2014.

Bite Size Brains
(Cubed Cinder; idea by Twilight Prince)
Approx. pages: 12
- Using a magic gem she fished out of the swamp water she and her zombie buddies all but lived in, Rottytops finds out quickly that the gem can shrink anything she wants to a small size, and after shrinking a nearby traveler down to a few inches tall, a devilish grin tells her of how she's going to get the brains she wants to feast on. As the days go by, more and more people disappear without a trace, and Shantae (without her powers after giving them up in her last story) grows suspicious. She trots off to the Zombie Caravan where she discovers the truth, begging for Rottytops to stop. A very excited Rottytops jumps to her feet and uses the gem on Shantae, shrinking her to three inches tall. As Rottytops licks her lips over the thought of devouring little Shantae, the fully human girl must find a way to escape and grow back to normal... Completed October 25, 2014.

Risky Business
(Cubed Cinder; idea by Twilight Prince)
Approx. pages: 14
- Shantae and Risky Boots are both on a pirate ship and on their way to the Pirate Master's grave, one step away from putting the demonic spirit fully at rest and ensuring his curse does not take full effect on Sequin Land. During the journey, Risky Boots has not forgotten about her past struggles with the purple-haired and now fully human girl, especially the times when she had that genie dance to make her big. Risky feels like this is her perfect chance to strike. She takes out a bottle of potion and forces the liquid down Shantae's throat, shrinking the heroine down to three inches tall again! Even as Shantae shouts out in frustration over being betrayed, all Risky Boots cares about is that she's got her rival literally in her hands and it's time for her to be the big girl for a change... Completed May 29, 2015.

The Beach is Not Big Enough
(Cubed Cinder)
Approx. pages: 12
- Summer is here! That's what Shantae excitedly shouts as she runs out of her home wearing her Beach Outfit. Of course, there's still the problem of her skin quickly under the threat of sunburn despite all the sunscreen she's put on. That's when Uncle Mimic offers to help, spreading on an experimental sunscreen he's been working on for the past couple weeks. While Shantae no longer feels the burn when out in the sun, the rays react to the sunscreen in a different way... by making Shantae grow bigger! It looks as though she's going to grow forever, but fortunately a huge cloud comes to the rescue. While Shantae and all her friends race to undo the effects of the sunscreen before the sun comes back, Risky Boots (also in a bikini to celebrate Summer) is putting the finishing touches on her own plans for revenge... I mean... rampage. Completed July 13, 2018.
